Bleeding Gums Treatment Bensalem, PA

Do your gums bleed whenever you brush your teeth? Are you experiencing gum sensitivity when you eat or drink hot or cold foods and beverages? You may have gingivitis, or gum inflammation, a common cause of bleeding gums. At Perfect Smiles of Bensalem, we want to help patients restore gum health. We provide multiple treatments for bleeding gums in Bensalem, PA.

Bleeding gums are a common dental concern that affects many patients. The main cause of bleeding gums is gum inflammation and gum disease. Other common causes include poor diet, injuries, and even hormonal changes. If you struggle with chronic bleeding gums and need dental treatment, you can receive custom care to heal your gums.

Bleeding Gums in Bensalem PA

Common Causes of Bleeding Gums

Gingivitis, or gum inflammation, occurs when harmful bacteria build on your gum tissue. If left untreated, gum inflammation can lead to gum disease. Also known as periodontitis, gum disease is a common yet highly damaging infection. Gum disease can break down the gum tissue, leading to deep gum pockets, chronic gum pain, and loose teeth.

However, gingivitis isn’t the only cause of bleeding gums. You can develop bleeding gums for these reasons:

  • Aggressive Brushing: If you brush your teeth and gums too hard, your gums are more likely to bleed. When brushing, use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Do not put excessive pressure on your teeth or gums with the brush bristles. Sometimes, brushing more gently can prevent gum damage and bleeding gums.
  • Dental Injury: You can experience bleeding gums if you injure your gum tissue. Placing a clean cloth or gauze on your gums can help stop bleeding. However, if your gums continue to bleed, you need professional care to address your injury.
  • Nutritional Deficiency: A healthy and balanced diet helps keep your body healthy. Your diet can also impact your oral health. Vitamins C, D, and K are integral to your gum health. Vitamin C can support your body’s tissues, including gum tissue, while Vitamin D fights inflammation and Vitamin K helps blood coagulate. If you are vitamin deficient, you can experience sensitive and bleeding gums.
  • Hormonal Changes: Did you know gum inflammation and gum disease are common in pregnant women? An increase in progesterone during pregnancy increases blood flow to the gums. A higher blood flow often leads to gum sensitivity and irritation. Sensitive gum tissue may react to natural irritants. This sensitivtiy it often accompanied by bleeding gums.

How to Treat Bleeding Gums in Bensalem, PA

The gums are supportive structures for teeth. Damage to the gum tissue can affect the health of your entire smile. When you notice a change in your gum health, contact the dentist. There are several treatments we can recommend if you experience bleeding gums:

At-Home Care

One of the best things you can do for your gum health is to brush and floss daily. Flossing before brushing removes leftover food and harmful bacteria from between teeth. If you encounter gingivitis, flossing once or twice a day can help lessen your chance of gum disease. Additionally, gently brushing and flossing your teeth can minimize bleeding if you usually brush too hard.

Dental Cleanings

Visiting our dental office every six months allows us to clean and examine your smile thoroughly. Our dental hygienists scale, brush, and floss the teeth and gums to remove bacterial buildup during a professional dental cleaning. They can also provide more intensive dental cleanings if you have gum disease.

Periodontal Disease Treatment

Scaling and root planing are the main treatments we recommend for patients with mild gum disease symptoms, including bleeding gums. During a scaling treatment, we remove plaque and tartar from the gum surface and beneath the gum pockets. Then, we perform root planing. Root planing ensures the tooth roots stay in place and help support the gum tissue. We place antibiotics in the gum pockets after these treatments to help prevent reinfection.

Bleeding Gums FAQs

Do you want to know more about bleeding gums? Read answers to these commonly asked questions:

Should I visit an emergency dentist if I have bleeding gums?

Bleeding gums are not an emergency if you brush or floss and experience minor bleeding. However, bleeding gums are a dental emergency if the bleeding does not stop. We recommend visiting the dentist if you experience excessive bleeding. A dentist can help stop the bleeding and find the cause. If an emergency dentist is not available, contact a hospital.

Are there risk factors for bleeding gums?

You may be more at risk of developing bleeding gums due to these factors:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Diabetes
  • Genetics
  • Medications
  • Pregnancy hormones
  • Poor oral health

When should I be concerned about bleeding gums?

If bleeding gums are a chronic problem, it’s time to visit the dentist. Additionally, you should contact a dentist if you experience bleeding gums from a dental injury and the bleeding will not stop.

What problems do bleeding gums cause?

If you experience chronic bleeding gums, you can also experience:

  • Bad breath (halitosis)
  • Swollen and irritated gums
  • Bite changes
  • Teeth grinding

How long will it take to heal bleeding gums if I floss again?

It can take one to two weeks before you notice that you can brush and floss without bleeding gums. One of the best treatments for gingivitis is to improve your oral hygiene. Gently floss before you brush your teeth at least once a day. Brush your teeth twice daily with a soft-bristled brush. You will notice an improvement if you have a consistent oral hygiene routine.

Will a salt water rinse help my bleeding gums?

Yes. Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can help reduce swelling and inflammation accompanying bleeding gums. Warm salt water can remove food debris and act as a disinfectant. However, salt water rinses will not completely eliminate or heal bleeding gums.

Reverse Bleeding Gums

Treat bleeding gums in Bensalem, PA. Call Perfect Smiles of Bensalem for gum disease treatment at 215-770-1081. Schedule a dental appointment in our dental office online. We’re here to help you improve and maintain your tooth and gum health.